Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Dog Goes - The Man Cries - The System is Broken

I'm writing this as post as a professional.  Please understand that I train and rehabilitate dogs with aggression, dominance and behavioral issues all the time.  It is what I love to do and I can say that I understand dogs.  I've walked the walk and talk the talk.  I've rehabbed dogs the other trainers give up on or won't even touch.  I understand aggression and I can tell you some can, and some can't be fixed.  However, and this is the big point, AGGRESSION is not based on a breed.  

There are so many laws on the books that are an absolute waste of time.  Insurance companies who won't insure people who own certain breeds of dogs.  Territories in our great land where certain breeds of dogs are ILLEGAL....  thats right, certain breeds are illegal in certain areas.

My case in point would follow the last post in which I talked about the city of Denver Colorado that has a ban on Pit Bulls.  Not pit bulls who have bitten someone, ALL PIT BULLS.  That means if you are a pit bull, or if they think you are, you get rounded up and killed.  Does that remind you of something that happened in Germany in the late 1930's or early 1940's.  Don't hand me the crap of "we should not judge humans and animals in the same way."  WHY NOT.  Animals are animals and if we make or support laws like this, we are actually lower on the chain of evolution than those we persecute.  

There are 5 MILLION animals killed in our shelters each year.  Lets add to that number a few more because we enact a law to BAN specific breeds.  

If you want to ban dogs that are aggressive, ban dogs that get in fights or those that  attack people.  But remember, its the human owners that are responsible.  There has never been an attack by a dog that was kept on a leash, trained properly or one kept in a locked up yard.  Why do we attack the dog that can not defend itself.  It is idiotic to make such a law and an absolute waste of time and money to have it on the books.  

So now that pit-bulls are banned, Denver claims that pit-bull attacks are down.  So what does that mean?  Are poodle attacks up?  Should we ban Chihuahua's now?  Where will the insanity end?  Why not spend these resources (creating and enforcing laws costs millions) on investigating animal abuse, cruelty, dog fighting, etc.?  Why not promote responsible pet ownership instead of becoming a society of murderers?

Can someone honestly say that one breed is more likely to attack than another, or should it be that the type of people who own a specific breed all fall into a category?  Are all people of a specific race similar to each other?  Are all people of a specific religious belief similar to one another?  Racism, sexism are wrong just like labeling a specific breed of dog.  I believe the cities that enforce BSL (breed specific legislation) are so ridiculous that its barely worth my time.  I am writing only because I was asked to do so by a good friend who is quite upset about this.  If you believe this can't happen to your city, think again.  Laws are passed sometimes before you know.  I urge you to fight for the rights of those that can't.

Just because The Denver Forest situation is over, its really not.  This dog did nothing wrong.  The dog was ripped away from his owner, his guardian.  He is being shipped off to another place and another person.  The dog is not aware of why?  The person knows, the animal is confused.  If the dog now develops behavioral problems because of this, perhaps he may bite someone, but then we could clearly blame the city that caused it.  Couldn't we.  Restructuring pack order is something quite intense on the mind and spirit of the dog.  Dogs that are fine in one pack, can become aggressive in another pack.  Did anyone think of that?  Probably not.  If the dog has never shown aggression with one person, can he change?  The answer is yes.  Would it not have been a more compassionate choice to allow the dogs owner the chance to move?  Considering he did not live in Denver, maybe he would have chosen to move completely out of such a backward area.  

I have little respect for a government that could impose such legislation and hope you will share my opinion that it is only one step removed from something that could happen to you.

In closing I will say that I have encountered many aggressive dogs, yet each dogs aggression was NEVER based on a specific breed. It is a result of behavioral issues and pack structure.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Find the Breed You Hate, then Kill them All

It seems this is whats going on in Denver right now.  There are certain cities in the US and countries that have bans on certian breed dogs.  There are insurance companies that won't write homeowners policies for people who own certain breeds.  One breed in question, and the one Denver is in the news for now is Pit Bulls.  

Bound Angels has rescued many breeds and never turned away from any specific breed.  As a trainer of "trouble dogs," I find it hard to pinpoint any one breed as being more aggressive in nature than another.  There are stronger breeds, and breeds with stronger personalities than others, but dogs are dogs.  ALL dogs have the proclivity to bite or become aggressive, be it a 7lb Chihuahua or a 170 Rottweiler.  The underlying factor, for the most part is owners.  I find that people who own certain breeds should be better suited to deal with their personalities.  

Forest, the pit bull in Denver is in violation of BSL (breed specific legislation).  That is a ban on a specific breed in a city.  Reading the news story, one finds that this is the second time the dog has been caught running loose.  Which in my opinion points to an owner who can't control his dog, not a dog that should die because the owner can't control him.  As I have said on countless occasions, its not the dogs, but the owners who are the problems.  Its owners who teach / train dogs to be aggressive whether intentionally or inadvertently.  Forest is causing quite a stir, but for all the wrong reason.  I agree that a dog running free is not a good thing, but it doesn't matter to me what the breed is, whether a poodle or a pit.  There are no bad dogs or good dogs, there are only dogs.  You can not judge a dog according to its breed, just like you can't judge a man by the color of his skin or religious beliefs.  Profiling is wrong, and in a compassionate society we should be a bit more aware of that.  

So the question comes to mind, why is the dog being punished for the mistake of his owner?  Shouldn't the fine be imposed on the owner for violating a leash law?  How barbaric to KILL an animal that has committed no crime other than being born!  Forest has no record of biting, attacking or aggression.  He has shown exemplary behavior at the shelter.  We spend millions of dollars for laws and legislation and enforcing them.  This money could be put towards education and animal care.  In 2008 we live in a society where our government uses your tax dollars to murder 5 MILLION shelter animals each year.  We spend millions of dollars to incarcerate animals whose only crime is being born.  

If any blame lies in this case, it is on the person who does not control his companion.  If you own a dog, you must be responsible for it and not allowing it to run free is one of those responsibilities.  I agree that a law was broken here, however the dog is NOT at fault and the punishment does not fit the crime.  Any BSL is idiotic and archaic.  We stopped drowning witches persecuting blacks jailing Japanese and confining Jews to ghettos.  Have we come so far, only to slide back further by now attacking the innocent animals?  

Compassion towards animals and towards each other is something we all need to take a close look at, Denver should take a close look at its BSL.  READ THE ARTICLE HERE.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Smiling Sasha - SAVED - now Loving LOLA

With so much crap going on, here's a little story to warm your heart.  I received and email, among the hundreds I receive every day.  This one was different.  A little Sharpei / German Shepherd mix stuck down at the South Central Pound.  I've dealt with them on a few occasions and always like to go see Tomika, a very nice lady who runs the show there.  The email I received said that Sasha would be killed on Monday, that's a problem, as I got the email on a Saturday.  The shelter is closed Mondays.  I got someone on the phone and put a hold on Sasha.  The key thing here is to spell it out and be CLEAR, and get a name.  I did.  Sasha would be safe. 

I went to work. Who would be the perfect home for her?  I remember having met Mike through business contacts.  He struck me as a very caring man, very fair in business and a gentleman.  I mailed the pics to him.  He told me he would run it by his fiancee.  They both were excited to meet Sasha.  I went to South Central LA and sprung her.  I did have a chance to spend some time with her and it was a pleasure.  She is so funny.  She has a PERMA-grin.  Just the sweetest girl.  I was forced to ask myself the question I ask so many times: How can such beautiful animals be killed day in and day out in our country?  Huge barrels filled with the carcasses of loving, beautiful pets.  It just makes me sick.

Sasha's fate took a turn as Mike and Priscila loved her.  They have a beautiful home and welcomed her with open arms.  Priscila loved Sasha (immediately renaming her to LOLA), and Lola loved Mike.  In fact the very next day he took her to work with him.  Lola won over everyone at the office, Mike is very proud.

Thats a happy ending!  Thanks to Mike and Priscila, and congratulations to LOLA!