I'd like to start out and "re-emphasise" that I started BOUND ANGELS as a media awareness organization, not a hands on rescue. I have been flung into rescuing a few dogs here and there. I receive much praise, and some criticism. Today I received an email response to my last blog entry that asked me to "temper my anger" because of my comment "NO one else would step up" referring to Smiling Dog Farms taking the 4 dogs scheduled to die in Carson CA. I will not temper my anger, I am mad as well, millions of dogs are dying every year. This is not a time to be quiet, it is a time to act. We need to point the finger at the problem and fix it. That problem, which people try to avoid is many facetted and all require equal attention. At the top of the list is the legislation that does NOT address the needless deaths of these innocent animals. We blame overcrowding for the "Need to Kill". This is absolute BS.
Our prison systems are overcrowded, yet we do not start killing the people on death row faster. Instead we release prisoners or build more prisons. Yet the animals do NOT receive this respect. Dogs and cats have less than a 50% chance of making it out of the shelter alive. The system employs more people to scoop up and fine the owners, and less to facilitate placing animals or working the actual shelter. The availability of low cost spay and neuter, trap -neuter- and release or feral cats, wider adoptions outside of the shelters would all bring the overcrowding in shelters down drastically and would lead toward a no kill revolution.
The irony strikes me here. I was chastised for placing 4 dogs in a sanctuary in Texas that was reported to have 400 dogs and 6 full time employees. I don't know where this arbitrary 6 employee number came from, however, lets assume it is correct. For anyone to criticise placing a dog anywhere where it has a chance to live, and not offering a viable option for local or other placement is ludicrous. Take a walk through the shelters here in LA - I do it ALL the time. At a very recent visit to one local shelter I can tell you there were at least 300 or more dogs there and I could NOT find ONE employee. In the office I found 2 people sitting behind the desk. Are these dogs being ignored? Are their lives better than those living outside in yards where they see other dogs and nature? These shelter animals have NO CHANCE of making it out alive. I see sick dogs at deaths door laying on cement floors soiled with feces and urine. I hear loud crashing noises as workers are hammering on the roofs right above the kennels- driving dogs (whose hearing is many times more sensitive than ours) absolutly insane.
I SEE A BROKEN SYSTEM, yet the people who try are criticised. How messed up is that? I am not a hands on rescuer, yet when asked, I step up and do what I can. Anyone who has ever asked me for help has gotten it. I've done flyers, raised money, evaluated and rehabbed aggressive dogs due to die, transported dogs and so much more. I don't want kudos for this, but what I do want, and am fighting for is a system that works. If rescue workers want to see this happen, we gotta pull together. BOUND ANGELS is a network of people who want to work together. I will link to ANYONE in rescue who asks. All I ask is that your goal meets ours - to save lives at ALL costs.
These animals can not fight for themselves, that is up to us. How can we see ourselves as a compassionate society when we are slaughtering 5 MILLION shelter animals a year and heaving their lifeless bodies into landfills with little regard of how to change the system?
So yes, I AM MAD AS HELL. How about we pull together and find a way to make the system better? Vote for politicians who advocate NO KILL, and work to remove those who make promises and break them. Hold the authorites responsible for falsified accounts of how many animals are killed, how many animals are forced to live in attrociaous conditions and suffer needlessly. And , while we are at it, how about we support people like Jay at Smiling Dog Farm for giving hope to animals that others can't help. Hear what I'm saying here... He's helping animals others CAN'T help. I know we are all stressed trying to save them, but with more sanctuaries, and more support from the rescue community these havens can take the dogs that others can't. Lets stop emailing each other the same dogs every day over and over... lets spread our wings and reach beyond the circle of rescue and spread the word and work toward animal lovers everywhere. Support the work of all of our colleagues -- ALL of them. Lets not be the ones to criticise how others are doing it, instead lend a helping hand. Offer compassion for those who are trying and having a hard time.
Someone asked me my goal to life today, and I answered "To see America as a NO KILL society." I pray that I live to see the day this happens. I pray and I vow to work to make this happen. That is the goal... time to get busy.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
5 Dogs Saved from DEATH- Thank you!
To say I’m emotional at this moment would be a grand understatement. Since last Sunday May 18th, I’ve been working this case…and pretty much nothing else. This is the case of 5 dogs scheduled to be KILLED at the LA County Shelter. They belonged to a “challenged” man, who truly became a victim of the system. One of his dogs was involved in a biting, yet all 5 were scheduled to be KILLED. His lawyer took his money and soon disappeared, leaving him stranded. With no resources at all to turn to, a colleague in Oregon referred him to me. The case was very personal to me, as I had just lost one of my dogs. I would do this for my Boots.
The logistics of this rescue was huge. Negotiations with animal control, police agencies, the sanctuary, district attorney, the owner of the dogs and the vet, as well as flight arrangements. If they could not be placed in a “sanctuary” they would be killed. SIMPLE AS THAT. The only place I could find was www.smilingdogfarms.org NO ONE else would step up. NO ONE….
The incredible support I received from so many of you made this all possible. Aside from a few naysayers, who attempt to thwart the efforts of true rescues with negative underpinnings, all was positive. This case fueled at least 500-1000 email, plus countless hours on the phone. I do not have time in my schedule to fend off negatives, yet rather focus on the reason I started BOUND ANGELS… to save lives – simple as that. Not to argue, answer silly emails, defend nor explain myself.
I am eternally grateful to ALL of you who helped make this rescue possible. Jose, the owner of the dogs was in tears as my final negotiation with the City Attorney allowed him to keep one of the dogs ( a negotiation which lasted over a week). In the 11th hour, the dogs were rescued and airlifted to Texas. I have photos and a video to follow. Stay posted for that. But for now, I wanted to share the good news with you even though I am thoroughly wiped out. Again, thank you all… May the joy you’ve brought in saving these lives shine upon each and every one of you.
With kind regards,
Robert Cabral
“giving a voice to animals”
Friday, May 23, 2008
Update on the 5 dogs at Carson Pound
I've had no less than 500 emails about this rescue. My hands are tired from typing, so I figured if I write the synopsis here, everyone may read it and I can keep busy rescuing and training dogs. Think that might happen?? lets see.
OK, to start off with, the rescue is progressing quite well. In spite of me not having had a minute of free time since Sunday, we are making progress. Bear in mind, the case was handed to me Sunday, yet has spiraled out of control since February. No biggie... I've gotten a of of positive support on this rescue and am greatly appreciative of this. Everyone is so behind this rescue its amazing. Thanks to all of you for your support. I will address some of the concerns that were addressed to me in various emails here.
1. There are 5 dogs involved. The confusion over who was to go to the sanctuary and who stays behind is settled. All the boys go to the sanctuary and the female /mom is going to stay with Jose. Jose is challenged and is very distraught and I feel this is the best situation. There is a strong bond between the brothers and dad. In my experience in dog behavior and training, I find this to be a totally acceptable case.
2. The cost of air transport from LA to Texas is about $350 per dog depending on weight. This rate is competitive with ground transport and considering the circumstances, these dogs are not great candidates to be in small crates for 2-3 days.
3. These dogs can NOT be adopted out. They are labeled dangerous dogs, although I would professionally differ, I will respect the wishes of the city since they are working with us in the rescue. These dogs have bitten someone in the past, and their point and part of the conditions of release are that the dogs go to a "forever sanctuary." So the idea of them going to a conventional rescue is a mute point. I have looked over the past year for local sanctuaries in the LA area, and there are NONE. I've had friends email me places and after countless hours contacting them, they NEVER take the dogs. It is a proverbial waste of my time. If you have a place that you think takes any dog, call them. Tell them you found a dog at a shelter, tell them its a big dog about 60lbs and about 8 years old. Tell them you'd like them to take the dog and that you can drop it off. If they say yes, let me know who they are. I will give you a FREE BOUND ANGELS T-shirt for every dog they take.
4. Here's an update on Smiling Dog Farms www.smilingdogfarms.org where the guys are going. IT is a sanctuary in the true sense of the word. They will take any dog regardless of condition. This situation should prove it. Aggressive dogs are kept in separate areas from other dogs, old dogs in other areas, sick dogs, etc. They care for many dogs there and are quite familiar with dealing with difficult dogs. The dogs have play yards and raised dog houses... something they don't see in the shelters where they live on concrete and steel. Adoptable dogs are adopted out at local adoptions to loving and screened homes. Smiling Dog Farms is visited regularly by people I've spoken with who are very comfortable with the sanctuary. SDF is not the Four Seasons. There are no whirlpools or room service, no doggie massages or Pina Coladas by the pool. They work on a shoestring budget, but always hold it together and make it work for the dogs. I'm impressed by that.
Smiling Dog Farms deserves your financial support. http://www.smilingdogfarms.org
Anyone who would like to volunteer with BOUND ANGELS on this rescue here in LA, please contact me at boundangels@gmail.com and I will tell you what I am looking for. If you have a crate or Van you'd like to donate, (the van, jsut for the day), that would be great and save us valuable resources.
As for donations, we are still about $1200 short. BOUND ANGELS will make this rescue happen whether or not we have the funds in place or not. Our primary concern is the safety of these dogs. If you'd like to help, please visit www.boundangels.org and click on the DONATE button.
I welcome your comments, and thank you for your support.
Robert Cabral
OK, to start off with, the rescue is progressing quite well. In spite of me not having had a minute of free time since Sunday, we are making progress. Bear in mind, the case was handed to me Sunday, yet has spiraled out of control since February. No biggie... I've gotten a of of positive support on this rescue and am greatly appreciative of this. Everyone is so behind this rescue its amazing. Thanks to all of you for your support. I will address some of the concerns that were addressed to me in various emails here.
1. There are 5 dogs involved. The confusion over who was to go to the sanctuary and who stays behind is settled. All the boys go to the sanctuary and the female /mom is going to stay with Jose. Jose is challenged and is very distraught and I feel this is the best situation. There is a strong bond between the brothers and dad. In my experience in dog behavior and training, I find this to be a totally acceptable case.
2. The cost of air transport from LA to Texas is about $350 per dog depending on weight. This rate is competitive with ground transport and considering the circumstances, these dogs are not great candidates to be in small crates for 2-3 days.
3. These dogs can NOT be adopted out. They are labeled dangerous dogs, although I would professionally differ, I will respect the wishes of the city since they are working with us in the rescue. These dogs have bitten someone in the past, and their point and part of the conditions of release are that the dogs go to a "forever sanctuary." So the idea of them going to a conventional rescue is a mute point. I have looked over the past year for local sanctuaries in the LA area, and there are NONE. I've had friends email me places and after countless hours contacting them, they NEVER take the dogs. It is a proverbial waste of my time. If you have a place that you think takes any dog, call them. Tell them you found a dog at a shelter, tell them its a big dog about 60lbs and about 8 years old. Tell them you'd like them to take the dog and that you can drop it off. If they say yes, let me know who they are. I will give you a FREE BOUND ANGELS T-shirt for every dog they take.
4. Here's an update on Smiling Dog Farms www.smilingdogfarms.org where the guys are going. IT is a sanctuary in the true sense of the word. They will take any dog regardless of condition. This situation should prove it. Aggressive dogs are kept in separate areas from other dogs, old dogs in other areas, sick dogs, etc. They care for many dogs there and are quite familiar with dealing with difficult dogs. The dogs have play yards and raised dog houses... something they don't see in the shelters where they live on concrete and steel. Adoptable dogs are adopted out at local adoptions to loving and screened homes. Smiling Dog Farms is visited regularly by people I've spoken with who are very comfortable with the sanctuary. SDF is not the Four Seasons. There are no whirlpools or room service, no doggie massages or Pina Coladas by the pool. They work on a shoestring budget, but always hold it together and make it work for the dogs. I'm impressed by that.
Smiling Dog Farms deserves your financial support. http://www.smilingdogfarms.org
Anyone who would like to volunteer with BOUND ANGELS on this rescue here in LA, please contact me at boundangels@gmail.com and I will tell you what I am looking for. If you have a crate or Van you'd like to donate, (the van, jsut for the day), that would be great and save us valuable resources.
As for donations, we are still about $1200 short. BOUND ANGELS will make this rescue happen whether or not we have the funds in place or not. Our primary concern is the safety of these dogs. If you'd like to help, please visit www.boundangels.org and click on the DONATE button.
I welcome your comments, and thank you for your support.
Robert Cabral
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Update on Dogs Scheduled to be Killed - from Robert Cabral
First off, thank to those of you who already opened your hearts and wallets to donate to saving these dogs. Here's the update:
The team at Bound Angles have been in negotiations with Torrance City Attorney to give us a couple more days extension on the dogs we are trying to rescue. This morning I visited the Carson shelter and met all 5 dogs, Scotty (5) and April (3) and the 3 boys Mickey, Chapito and Cowboy (all 2 years old). The shelter is one of THE MOST DEPRESSING places I have EVERY visited. I don't believe murderers should be treated this badly, let alone all these dogs that are discarded.
The dogs are a mom and dad and their three boys. They are shepherd / husky mixes-- and probably something else. They are all 5 in separate kennels next to each other and across from each another. They are going crazy, as they have always been together, but yet are kept apart by concrete and steel.. ABSOLUTELY CRUEL!!
I'm attaching a flyer to give you a little more info. The owner of the dog is personally "challenged" and is about to have a breakdown thinking his dogs will be killed. One was involved in a biting, but all five are being held. I have an agreement in place with the city attorney that they will be released to BOUND ANGELS to be transported to SMILING DOG FARMS sanctuary in Texas. We have raised about $700 so far, which is a GREAT START. We need to raise $2600 by the weekend. Any amount you can give is appreciated. I have promised my 100 % dedication to this. I have personally dedicated more than 20 hours to this since Sunday night. WE WILL SAVE THEM.
Can I count on you for your help?
BOUND ANGELS has no salaries or administrative costs. Everything you donate goes toward animal rescue.
You can donate via paypal by visiting www.boundnagels.org and clicking on the donate button or using boundangels@gmail.com in your paypal account. You can also mail a check payable to BOUND ANGELS to :
26500 Agoura Road #102-346
Calabasas, CA. 91302
Thank you for reading. If you are having a tough time, please donate a prayer and some positive energy our way to help our mission... it is greatly appreciated.
Robert Cabral
"giving a voice to animals"
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Dogs Due to Die in Carson CA.. you can help
from the desk of Robert Cabral - BOUND ANGELS
I am sending this plea out to help 4 dogs that are just hours away from being killed at the Carson Shelter in Los Angeles.
Its a long complicated story, so I'll save the immense details and give you the basics.
These four dogs belong to a person who has been challenged by personal and financial issues. One of them was involved in a dog bite on a person. The mix up comes in because all four of them are being held accountable for the action and are to be killed.
They are scheduled to be killed Thursday. ...But, I have a way out.
I've been in discussions with the city attorney as well as a a sanctuary in Texas that will take them. I have an agreement that the city will allow all four dogs to be relocated to the sanctuary in Texas, all we need is a way to get them there, and that involves money.
There are several option for you to help.
1. you can make a donation to the sanctuary to build the housing unit it will take to house these 4 dogs: approx cost $500
2. you can make a donation toward the transportation costs to get the dogs to Texas. Car travel (we are looking for someone) will probably cost about $1000 in gas and car expenses
3. if you'd like to make a donation to cover airfare for the dogs it will total approx $500 per dog = $2000.00
4. you may also sign up as a monthly sponsor for the sanctuary at www.smilingdogfarms.org
BOUND ANGELS is on board to help. We've dedicated countless hours of time thus far and are dedicated to the end. We take no salary, fees or administrative costs for what we do. Our goal is to save the animals. EVERY PENNY you donate will go toward saving these dogs.
Please visit http://www.boundangels.org and click on the donations button to help. If you have any question, please feel free to contact me at the number below.
Thank you very much for reading this and for helping.
Best regards,
Robert Cabral
"giving a voice to animals"
I am sending this plea out to help 4 dogs that are just hours away from being killed at the Carson Shelter in Los Angeles.
Its a long complicated story, so I'll save the immense details and give you the basics.
These four dogs belong to a person who has been challenged by personal and financial issues. One of them was involved in a dog bite on a person. The mix up comes in because all four of them are being held accountable for the action and are to be killed.
They are scheduled to be killed Thursday. ...But, I have a way out.
I've been in discussions with the city attorney as well as a a sanctuary in Texas that will take them. I have an agreement that the city will allow all four dogs to be relocated to the sanctuary in Texas, all we need is a way to get them there, and that involves money.
There are several option for you to help.
1. you can make a donation to the sanctuary to build the housing unit it will take to house these 4 dogs: approx cost $500
2. you can make a donation toward the transportation costs to get the dogs to Texas. Car travel (we are looking for someone) will probably cost about $1000 in gas and car expenses
3. if you'd like to make a donation to cover airfare for the dogs it will total approx $500 per dog = $2000.00
4. you may also sign up as a monthly sponsor for the sanctuary at www.smilingdogfarms.org
BOUND ANGELS is on board to help. We've dedicated countless hours of time thus far and are dedicated to the end. We take no salary, fees or administrative costs for what we do. Our goal is to save the animals. EVERY PENNY you donate will go toward saving these dogs.
Please visit http://www.boundangels.org and click on the donations button to help. If you have any question, please feel free to contact me at the number below.
Thank you very much for reading this and for helping.
Best regards,
Robert Cabral
"giving a voice to animals"
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