Friday, May 23, 2008

Update on the 5 dogs at Carson Pound

I've had no less than 500 emails about this rescue. My hands are tired from typing, so I figured if I write the synopsis here, everyone may read it and I can keep busy rescuing and training dogs. Think that might happen?? lets see.

OK, to start off with, the rescue is progressing quite well. In spite of me not having had a minute of free time since Sunday, we are making progress. Bear in mind, the case was handed to me Sunday, yet has spiraled out of control since February. No biggie... I've gotten a of of positive support on this rescue and am greatly appreciative of this. Everyone is so behind this rescue its amazing. Thanks to all of you for your support. I will address some of the concerns that were addressed to me in various emails here.

1. There are 5 dogs involved. The confusion over who was to go to the sanctuary and who stays behind is settled. All the boys go to the sanctuary and the female /mom is going to stay with Jose. Jose is challenged and is very distraught and I feel this is the best situation. There is a strong bond between the brothers and dad. In my experience in dog behavior and training, I find this to be a totally acceptable case.

2. The cost of air transport from LA to Texas is about $350 per dog depending on weight. This rate is competitive with ground transport and considering the circumstances, these dogs are not great candidates to be in small crates for 2-3 days.

3. These dogs can NOT be adopted out. They are labeled dangerous dogs, although I would professionally differ, I will respect the wishes of the city since they are working with us in the rescue. These dogs have bitten someone in the past, and their point and part of the conditions of release are that the dogs go to a "forever sanctuary." So the idea of them going to a conventional rescue is a mute point. I have looked over the past year for local sanctuaries in the LA area, and there are NONE. I've had friends email me places and after countless hours contacting them, they NEVER take the dogs. It is a proverbial waste of my time. If you have a place that you think takes any dog, call them. Tell them you found a dog at a shelter, tell them its a big dog about 60lbs and about 8 years old. Tell them you'd like them to take the dog and that you can drop it off. If they say yes, let me know who they are. I will give you a FREE BOUND ANGELS T-shirt for every dog they take.

4. Here's an update on Smiling Dog Farms where the guys are going. IT is a sanctuary in the true sense of the word. They will take any dog regardless of condition. This situation should prove it. Aggressive dogs are kept in separate areas from other dogs, old dogs in other areas, sick dogs, etc. They care for many dogs there and are quite familiar with dealing with difficult dogs. The dogs have play yards and raised dog houses... something they don't see in the shelters where they live on concrete and steel. Adoptable dogs are adopted out at local adoptions to loving and screened homes. Smiling Dog Farms is visited regularly by people I've spoken with who are very comfortable with the sanctuary. SDF is not the Four Seasons. There are no whirlpools or room service, no doggie massages or Pina Coladas by the pool. They work on a shoestring budget, but always hold it together and make it work for the dogs. I'm impressed by that.

Smiling Dog Farms deserves your financial support.

Anyone who would like to volunteer with BOUND ANGELS on this rescue here in LA, please contact me at and I will tell you what I am looking for. If you have a crate or Van you'd like to donate, (the van, jsut for the day), that would be great and save us valuable resources.

As for donations, we are still about $1200 short. BOUND ANGELS will make this rescue happen whether or not we have the funds in place or not. Our primary concern is the safety of these dogs.  If you'd like to help, please visit and click on the DONATE button.

I welcome your comments, and thank you for your support.

Robert Cabral

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