Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sweet Judy will Steal Your Heart

I visited the NOC shelter here in downtown LA yesterday and saw an all too familiar face. I could not believe that Sweet Judy was still there and now she's on the short list. Her owners dumped her and she has no clue why. Won't you open your heart to Sweet Judy. Adopt or foster her or donate so we can help find her a forever home....

I personally temperament tested her and she is as sweet as can be. She showed no signs of aggression or dominance at any time during my test. She walked by the cages of other dogs that were quite aggressive. She pulls a little on the leash and did NOT want to go back to her cage. She wanted to leave and go HOME. Do you have a HOME you could give her?

Contact me directly if I can help or the shelters info is on the photo and the youtube video...

The clock is ticking and there's lots of love to be had here from SWEET JUDY!



Robert Cabral
"giving a voice to animals"

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Putting a Band-Aid on a Bullet Wound

Do yourself a favor and read this article above carefully. See if you can find anything wrong with this way of thinking. Imagine for a second if the animals that were being discriminated against were human animals and someone took the leisure to make a decision as to what race would be tolerated and what race would not be tolerated. Say for example some statistics would show that caucasians caused more problems than other races and they should be banned from neighborhoods. That caucasians have the proclivity toward greater violence than say Latinos or Asians. That caucasians posses characteristics such as aggressions, strength and viciousness. So they should be cast out from society.

Imagine such stupid thinking... Of course people may see me as a radical for speaking out like this, but our limited thinking is just that... LIMITED. Yes, there are bad pit-bulls, as there are bad shepherds, shar pei, poodles, labs, cockers, etc. There is no one breed that is specifically bad, nor is there one breed that is specifically good. Dogs are creatures of instinct that are conditioned strongly by their upbringing and surroundings. With the exception of very few dogs, I would blame bad canine behavior on stupid human rearing and structure. If a pit bull kills another dog, or hurts a person, the person who owns the dog and his particular situation should be addressed... Not the entire breed. This is like saying we're gonna stop drunk driving by not selling Red Camaros because so many of them are involved in drunk driving accidents (this is just an example).

What we are doing is running scared without an answer to a problem and people with little knowledge are claiming to be authorities. Its time to address the problems. Dogs have been domesticated for thousands of years and have served their humans well, now we are turning our backs on so many of them by either dumping them at the shelter or trying to exterminate a breed that was made by man. Remember, most current breeds of dogs were developed by human "engineering" in order to develop specific characteristics. Now when the science experiment goes wrong, its time to close up shop. Simple for us, we can just create the negative PR that will ally others and then we can force them out of existence. Of course we know this can never happen, so why do we do such stupid things? Simple, cause it makes the stage look like reality.

In truth it is no closer to solving the problem than banning the red Camaros. Education is the key. People who own dogs, and I mean ALL dogs should begin to educate themselves. I own a dog that many consider could be a dangerous breed, so I take steps to make sure he is well adjusted and sets and example for his breed. Lets turn the camera around and look at the good pit bulls. Lets look at the examples of happy, well adjusted pits that lead a happy life, get along with other dogs and lead well adjusted lives. Believe me there are more of these than the menaces that society tries to perpetrate. Lets point the fingers at the morons who own a breed that is so dedicated to its humans that it would die for them, and then turn them into fighters, who deny them structure, who think its cool that their dogs are "tough." IT'S NOT COOL. Its stupid. Having a dog that you think is tough and showing that off is STUPID. What it means is that you own a tough dog cause you need a tough dog to protect you. Aren't you tougher than your own dog?

Every dog deserves a fair shake, lets not be so ignorant as to believe that breed specific legislation is the answer.. ITS NOT!

By the way, PitBulls are not the number one statistics on bites to humans... Do you know what breed is? Google that one!

Robert Cabral
Founder: Bound Angels

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Selling Pets on Street Corners is Wrong

I often get into discussions as to what contributes to the severe problem we face in trying to solve the shelter crisis in this country and beyond. The answer, in short, is ignorance. People are not aware, or simply do not care what they are doing. In part to greed, people sell dogs that they are breeding themselves in their backyards. These dogs very often end up in shelter, and are killed there. Selling a dog for $50 on a street corner is stupid and should be outlawed.

I personally hate pet stores that make pet purchase an impulse item like a new T-shirt or a cd. We need to wake up as a society and take some responsibility. Imagine if the killing of these family pets threatened our water supplies or the air quality. Imagine if their rotting and decomposing carcasses were put in places that could threaten the health of our cities... People would be up in arms, demanding that something be done. But, since it does not affect these people directly, people are quite happy to "let it be." Well, to people like me who walked the kennel runs of our municipal shelters, I see a different picture. I see how our societies carelessness and ignorance is affecting some very important lives.

With that in mind, there is a bill on the California Senate called AB 1122, its endorsed by the ASPCA and I think we should all get behind it. Please read the following:


California Assembly Bill 1122 would prohibit the sale of animals on roadsides and in parking lots. Many of these animals are bred and raised in poor conditions and sick at the time of sale-and since dogs and cats sold in this manner usually are not spayed or neutered, they contribute to the pet overpopulation that leads to tens of thousands of homeless animals being euthanized in the state each year.

If passed, this humane legislation will:
- eliminate the profit motive from people who sell sick animals, and
- protect consumers from unscrupulous breeders.

The bill contains language that exempts adoption events run by humane societies and legitimate animal rescues.

AB 1122 has already passed the California Assembly and moved to the Senate for consideration.

What You Can Do
The California Senate Public Safety Committee is expected to hold a hearing on AB 1122 this Tuesday, June 23.

It is critical that you contact the committee's members before Tuesday to let them know that AB 1122 matters to Californians like you and you want them to support it.

Visit the ASPCA Advocacy Center now to email the entire committee and ask them to do all they can to get AB 1122 passed. CLICK HERE TO HELP....

Thank you, California, for taking action for animals.


Pets have feelings too. Regardless of your spiritual or religious opinions, we have an obligation to the animals "beneath us."

Giving a Voice to Animals

Robert Cabral

Robert Cabral
"giving a voice to animals"

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Letter to Governor Schwarzenegger

I contacted the governors office with regard to the proposal to shorten the hold times placed on animals in local shelters, an issue that is at the heart of those concerned for animals. Here is the response the governor sent me, and then my response to his response:

On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 5:00 PM, wrote:
Thank you for sharing your concerns with me about the proposal to lift restrictions on hold times at animal shelters.  I value your input during these challenging economic times.

As you know, we are in the midst of the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression.  We now face a budget shortfall that has grown to $24.3 billion.  I have proposed cuts that I would have never proposed except in a worst-case scenario, including eliminating General Fund support for programs like Healthy Families, CalWORKs, Cal Grants and State Parks.  This was not an easy decision for me.  As a dog owner myself, I have always supported animal welfare and have worked to ensure the humane treatment of animals.

Currently, the state requires all shelters to hold stray animals for four or six days and reimburses them for the associated costs.  To address our budget crisis, I have proposed to suspend some Non-Proposition 98 mandates, including the reimbursement funds for these shelters.  To help local shelters deal with the challenges of this difficult budget situation, I have also proposed that the state no longer require the four or six day hold time. Shelters still have the flexibility to keep the animals for more days, but my proposal avoids placing an unnecessary burden on local communities.

As I work with my partners in the Legislature to find solutions to these problems, know that I will keep your thoughts in mind.  Working together, I believe we can weather this storm and start the slow but steady march back toward prosperity.


Arnold Schwarzenegger

my reply:

Dear Mr. Schwarzenegger,

I am thoroughly disappointed by your dismissal of this very important issue.  I do understand that we are in a major crisis in our state as well as in our country.  I understand that many programs are being cut and we are facing tough times.  However, this is not a negotiating matter.  Compassion and caring for animals under our care is one of the most important issues we face.  

Across this great land of ours millions of animals are being killed needlessly in our municipal shelters.  I would invite you to take a tour with me of any local shelter.  Mr. Schwarzenegger I hear you say that you are a dog owner yourself, but I doubt you have ever taken the time to visit a shelter and see what these animals are up against.  Two years ago I was in a similar position as you, I too was a dog owner, but also had never visited a shelter.  This changed my life completely.

As governor of a state it is politically correct for you to visit schools, hospitals, public events, rallies, parades and appear on TV.  PLEASE, call me or have someone from your office call me.  My organization Bound Angels creates public awareness for shelter animals, VISIT A SHELTER WITH ME.  I urge you.  The next time you are in LA, I will open my schedule to you and take you of a tour so you may see what "other dogs" live like.  Not your dog living in your estate, or mine living at the beach, but the ones who live in a tiny cage waiting to be saved.  

The days you are talking about cutting out of the budget are their greatest hope for possible adoption...  the only chance they have.  For the most part out animal control centers are less than humane and are severely under funded.  If you have always supported animal welfare and if you have worked to ensure the humane treatment of animals I ask you, "Why Stop Now?"  

All programs that are up before you to cut require no direct loss of life.... NONE. However, the loss of life that is at question here is not the life that will vote for you in the next election, but instead an innocent life with no one to speak out for it but someone like me. They lay quietly in a cell waiting to die. I ask, give them the chance at a life. This is an immense responsibility.

Will you rise up to the challenge?

Giving a voice to animals,

Robert Cabral

Robert Cabral
"giving a voice to animals"

Monday, June 8, 2009

California Legislation to shorten Shelter Animals' Lives

I just put in a call to Governor Schwarzennegger's office. It seems that there is legislation on the table to shorten shelter animals holding times before killing them. The lady I spoke to said that they have been getting a lot of calls about the issue. I would urge anyone living in California to call right away.

These animals barely have 4 days before they are killed (not euthanized-but killed). I strongly oppose any legislation would shorten the time an animal is help. Budget cuts or no budget cuts, this is WRONG. Please voice your opinion.

Call Governor Schwarzenegger today at 916-445-2841 and e-mail him at to oppose his plan to expedite animal
shelter killings to save money

Thank you for helping those that cannot help themselves.

Robert Cabral
Director Bound Angels