Do yourself a favor and read this article above carefully. See if you can find anything wrong with this way of thinking. Imagine for a second if the animals that were being discriminated against were human animals and someone took the leisure to make a decision as to what race would be tolerated and what race would not be tolerated. Say for example some statistics would show that caucasians caused more problems than other races and they should be banned from neighborhoods. That caucasians have the proclivity toward greater violence than say Latinos or Asians. That caucasians posses characteristics such as aggressions, strength and viciousness. So they should be cast out from society.
Imagine such stupid thinking... Of course people may see me as a radical for speaking out like this, but our limited thinking is just that... LIMITED. Yes, there are bad pit-bulls, as there are bad shepherds, shar pei, poodles, labs, cockers, etc. There is no one breed that is specifically bad, nor is there one breed that is specifically good. Dogs are creatures of instinct that are conditioned strongly by their upbringing and surroundings. With the exception of very few dogs, I would blame bad canine behavior on stupid human rearing and structure. If a pit bull kills another dog, or hurts a person, the person who owns the dog and his particular situation should be addressed... Not the entire breed. This is like saying we're gonna stop drunk driving by not selling Red Camaros because so many of them are involved in drunk driving accidents (this is just an example).
What we are doing is running scared without an answer to a problem and people with little knowledge are claiming to be authorities. Its time to address the problems. Dogs have been domesticated for thousands of years and have served their humans well, now we are turning our backs on so many of them by either dumping them at the shelter or trying to exterminate a breed that was made by man. Remember, most current breeds of dogs were developed by human "engineering" in order to develop specific characteristics. Now when the science experiment goes wrong, its time to close up shop. Simple for us, we can just create the negative PR that will ally others and then we can force them out of existence. Of course we know this can never happen, so why do we do such stupid things? Simple, cause it makes the stage look like reality.
In truth it is no closer to solving the problem than banning the red Camaros. Education is the key. People who own dogs, and I mean ALL dogs should begin to educate themselves. I own a dog that many consider could be a dangerous breed, so I take steps to make sure he is well adjusted and sets and example for his breed. Lets turn the camera around and look at the good pit bulls. Lets look at the examples of happy, well adjusted pits that lead a happy life, get along with other dogs and lead well adjusted lives. Believe me there are more of these than the menaces that society tries to perpetrate. Lets point the fingers at the morons who own a breed that is so dedicated to its humans that it would die for them, and then turn them into fighters, who deny them structure, who think its cool that their dogs are "tough." IT'S NOT COOL. Its stupid. Having a dog that you think is tough and showing that off is STUPID. What it means is that you own a tough dog cause you need a tough dog to protect you. Aren't you tougher than your own dog?
Every dog deserves a fair shake, lets not be so ignorant as to believe that breed specific legislation is the answer.. ITS NOT!
By the way, PitBulls are not the number one statistics on bites to humans... Do you know what breed is? Google that one!
Robert Cabral
Founder: Bound Angels
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