Monday, November 2, 2009

We Love Our Pets

Soo.... lets figure this out. Someone drops this little guy at the shelter and basically leaves him to die. I get an email from my good friend Kim, who is an angel to any animal in need. The pleas go around and PeiPeople steps up to take him. Thank GOD! Now lets examine the facts.

This little guy is is covered with mange. Mange is a relatively easily treatable condition in dogs... when it is caught early. Look at this poor dog and tell me when you think it might be early enough. To what level can some selfish human allow a dog to get to before its time to do something. Did they think it was gonna go away? There are plenty of vets and vet clinics that work at reduced rates. There are numbers available at local shelters. I would say farm more of these services are available to animals than middle income Americans. But, the question remains, who would take a dog in this kind of condition to a pound? What is wrong with humans.

The good news in this post is that through the efforts of many HUEY will be saved. Please help PeiPeople by donating. They need to raise about $750 to pull this off, and its not that much money. visit their website, they are good friends of mine and do great work. I support them and hope you will too.


Lexi Mom said...

Thanks so much for posting Huey's pic and story. Poor little boy, he is in the worst shape I've ever seen. Hoping he will get much better soon. PeiPeople does great work,

Bound Angels said...

Please visit PeiPeople's website as well as their blog on Huey so you can follow up on him. They are in desperate need of donations for his medical care. Please step up for this great dog and for an awesome rescue group!