Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My Letter to the Delavan Township

Dear Dorothy - Dear Herb,

I have been made aware of the decision your town has made to kill the geese dwelling near the Delavan lake.  I must say that I am shocked and saddened by such a heartless act and can find no excuse for such an inhumane decision.

The fact that millions of animals are dying needlessly a few thousand miles away because of human error makes this decision of yours even more preposterous.  I have read the letter presented to you by Kristen Perry offering a very valid solution to your "problem."  Why this plan was rejected confuses me.  Is the need to eradicate an animal from your city so necessary that it must be exterminated?  Isn't it worth it to try option A, before stepping through to option B.

This decision has been well publicized on facebook as well as other social networking sites, and I am hoping that many citizens will stand up and stand between your workers and the geese.  This event will get serious attention and very negative press for anyone involved in the decision.  I strongly urge you to reconsider your decision and opt for a humane solution to this problem.  This decision is not only inhumane, but will cost tax payers money when a volunteer driven program is available. 

I am making this letter to you public on my blog at www.boundangels.org and am encouraging others to speak up for the animals and against your decision.

I welcome a conversation with you at any time.

Giving a voice to animals,

Robert Cabral
Robert Cabral
"giving a voice to animals"
join the revolution!

Please call or email to oppose this kill!
Town Chair- Dorothy Burwell 262- 728-6085 Cell:262-374-2560 townchair@townofdelavan.com

Park Committe/Supervisor-
Herb Sessner
262- 740-1195 Cell 262-374-9756

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