Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Bad Plan For California Animals

So I just read the latest plan by Gov Schwarzenegger is to impose a tax on vet care in California. This tax is to be used to make up for the budget shortfalls. So my question is why do the animals have to suffer. I see countless animals dumped in the shelter because people can't afford the vet care as it is now. This will make it even worse. With the current housing situation, we need to do everything to make owning and keeping pets a priority. We need to be compassionate to pets and their human companions. Imposing an unfair tax is WRONG. Please write to the governor and urge him to rescind. This is a bad plan all the way around. If we are going to add taxes add it to luxury items, expensive cars, alcohol, cigarettes, etc. No one can argue that if you have the funds for these items a few extra bucks won't hurt. But not on the CARE OF OUR Companion animals.

Its also important to note that this tax is not to be applied to other healing arts. Which leads me to wonder, is caring for out pets suddenly a luxury?

Please follow this link to the California Veterinary Medical Association and make your voice heard for the animals.... And Governor Schwarzenegger, please open your heart and your mind to those who care for the animals in our state and show some compassion to them.

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