Saturday, November 1, 2008

Murdered in Corpus Christi Texas

Its not like I don't get these cases all the time, I just try to keep moving.  Here's one I'll share.  The dog in the above photo was tied up and starved to death in Corpus Christi Texas.  This happens across our country all the time.  People have little regards for animals and they are considered property.  That means, for the most part, murder is not murder.  At most the perpetrators face is a small jail sentence compared to if this was a child.  Many will scream out, "children are different than dogs or animals."  Perhaps, but suffering is suffering and none of it is right.  Elected officials, police and judges often look the other way and focus their attention at the cases that will lead them to political victory or prominence...  animals don't vote, so therefore, they don't really count.  Its not until taxpayers and voters make their voices heard for these animals who can't speak for themselves that things will change.

This is where you can help.  Stand up and speak out.  Forget signing petitions, in my opinion this is a waste of time, get on the phone, write a fax or email or a letter and let people know that you will not stand for it. Write to your local paper and demand justice.  People who do this to animals should be ashamed and live their lives in fear that the law may change and that they should be made to pay for the suffering they inflicted.  Studies have shown those that abuse animals have the propensity to abuse people...  Take note if you know someone who is unkind to animals.

You can help promote some justice for this dog in Corpus Christi Texas.  Here are some addresses to write to and call.

City Council Offices
Main Line - (361) 826-3105
1201 Leopard St., 78401
Fax Line - (361) 883-1403

 Mayor Henry Garrett   : (361) 826-3100
cell...(361) 850-3113
City Council Offices
1201 Leopard St. 78401
Main Line.....826-3105

Nueces County district attorney
Carlos Valdez
901 Leopard, Rm 206
Corpus Christi, Texas 78401

Phone: (361) 888-0410
Fax: (361) 888-0700

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