A situation I am constantly asked to help with is that of "dangerous dogs." These are dogs that have bitten someone and presumably pose a threat to the public. Animal control officers are quick to point the finger at the animal and try to move to killing it as quickly as possible. What seems to be overlooked here is the question of "Who is to blame?"
Are we to assume a dog was born dangerous and seeks out the person it wishes to bite?
Do dogs become aggressive in certain situations?
Does something or someone drive the dog to become aggressive?
If we can assume that a dangerous dog is one that bites, then all dogs must be considered dangerous. As a trainer, I approach all dogs with the presumption that all dogs can and may bite. What motivates a dog to bite is what I'd like to examine. Dogs bite for several reasons, including, fear, anger, territory, and some are trained to bite, as in police and protection work. The primary focus of dogs that we need to look at are those dogs that bite out of anger. Anger or aggression in dogs is something that is instilled in them often times by lack of, or improper training. That is to say a dog that has been improperly handled is likely to bite out of anger or fear. Fearful dogs generally bite only when approached, where angry dogs have a propensity to strike out to bite.
If a dog owner has a situation with a dog that has anger or aggression issues, it should be looked at seriously. There is a high risk that this dog will bite someone at some point, or even that the dog may get away from the owner and bite. If this happens, who is to blame? If a dog is well behaved its entire life and gets away from the owner and causes damage, who is to blame? IF an owner owns a dog that has the likelihood to become dangerous and does not train it, who is to blame?
I think the answer to these questions is quite simple, the owner of the dog is responsible for the damages the dog inflicts. If its an eye for an eye, then the owner must pay restitution for the damages inflicted. Many who argue this from a biblical standpoint misinterpret the scripture and demand that if a person takes anothers eye, he too should have his eye cut out. This makes no sense according to the law, but I'm not here to argue this. What I would like to address is the logical standpoint of punishing a dog for being a dog. If a dog bites someone, does it solve the problem by killing the dog? Are all the problems solved?
I've been involved with several dangerous dogs and have rescued and trained them and they enjoy happy lives. I will go on record to say that not just anyone should own a dog that has aggression issues, nor do I think just anyone should own any dog. A dogs temperament is something to strongly consider when getting a dog. I've seen that many people do not have the capacity to deal with a dog that has some behavioral issues. Again, does that mean they should be killed?
I would agree on many standpoints that is an animal poses a threat to the public we should examine options to protect the public. However, if there is an option to protect the life of an animal without killing it, should that be considered? Are there sanctuaries, rescues or places that will take dogs that can not be in the public? What do we do with wild animals that we have wrongly captured that would pose a treat to the public such as lions, elephants, wolves, etc? And when these options exist, are we able to put our egos aside and step up to the plate?
What I've seen in dealing with some animal control agencies, is that ego tends to get in the way of compassion. I'm not only talking about government agencies here, but private rescues as well. People love to play God and make their decisions based on what feels right to them. Have we come so far only to slip down this fast? Are we the barbaric shadows of our ancestors? Do we kill people that we are afraid of and cage trophy animals for our ego? There are many things to consider. We have domesticated animal, much against their will. Animals are still wild in their instincts. No matter how sweet your little dog is, when his drive clicks, your dog becomes a wolf and few people are going to stop him. If you'd like to read more about how dogs are like wolves and about their drives, I'd invite you to visit my Black Belt Dog Training website. My point in all of this is simple, if we've taken it upon ourselves to live with these animals, we must accept responsibility to train, understand and live with them. The key word being LIVE with them. There are murderers, child molesters and sexual offenders walking the streets of our country who pose far greater threats to our society than dogs. We should kill all the dangerous dogs when they are causing the greater risks. When the streets are 100% safe from dangerous people it will be the right time to start killing the dangerous dogs. In the meantime, lets try to figure out a viable solution to dogs that have some behavior problems without killing them.
This post relates directly to a situation that I am currently involved in. I will discuss it in further detail in the near future.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
ALASKA get a Forever Home
This one will make you cry... A few months ago I got a call to help rescue a little Eskimo that was stuck at the shelter. Mitzi would champion the boy and get him to foster at SBACC. She did way more, she also stayed in touch and relayed one of my favorite adoption stories ever. Here goes:
The nice lady in the photo really loves Alaska, her husband passed away and she was looking for a companion animal. She actually put her husband's obituary in with Alaska's paperwork while filling it out so that they could "Bond".
I also heard that when she put Alaska in her car, he stood up on the seat, he wrapped his arms around her and gave her a big hug.
All that for an an animal that would have been dead if not for a few caring people... thanks to Mitzi, everyone at SBACC and most importantly to ALASKA!!!
Kelly S. Saves one .... because she could save ONE...
It has been my goal with Bound Angels to inspire people to step up to the plate and "Join the Revolution." Well, I'd like to share a great story with you here from an Angel name Kelly.
here's the email Kelly received:
I volunteer with my local impound, we have a "senior" female, who is hard of hearing and has some ear infection issues. She is in need of rescue, she is TERRIFIED in the shelter. She does warm up after you get her out. Very quiet girl. She is located in Sioux City, IA Animal Control center
Here's what I received from Kelly:
Hi Robert,
I am so Inspired by what you do. I saw what Kathy & Dawn from Merlin's Hope and you did for Jasmine. I got to meet her in Maine. I wanted to take her, we have 3 PEI and Newman is in the wheelchair. Jasmine is going to her forever home soon in Vermont, its just incredible! Anyway I saw this girl and she looked like my First dog I got from Animal Rescue. I lost 3 years ago and I could let this one go, same eyes staring back at me pleading get me out... I had no idea what to do I am in Massachusetts and she was is in Iowa. I called and emailed every rescue I knew. I have been on the phone for a week. A nice lady got her out got her to a vet where I offered to pay her board until we could get her into a rescue. My prayers were answered Tues and WE LOVE PAWS shar -pei rescue called me! They are going to help her get a forever home and I am covering her expenses. They have arranged and 8 person Transport. So She will be at the vets in Iowa a week more I just send them a box of things for her. She is not as old as they thought and is a sweet girl like Jasmine. I couldn't be happier. I wish everyone would help just one dog. My Husband has always said Kell you can't save them all. This time I said I can save this one :-)
Sheila MD part-time Lab rescue Volunteer Pulled her from Sioux city "she saved her life" She then Contacted Deanna who has arranged all the transport with Deb At "we love paws shar-pei rescue" Chicago. Doc and Barb at the Rock Rapids veterinary clinic in Iowa have been taking spacial care of her and they do right by rescue. All these people Deserve so much credit.
I am so inspired by everything you do you are just an incredible person.
Bless you,
I play the lottery every week, and although I've never one anyting on it, I have won the lottery in receiving this email from Kelly... I AM INSPIRED BY WHAT YOU DID!!!
Thanks for sharing....
Best to you!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
A Dangerous News Story for All
There are few things that get under my skin as much as when someone we expect to tell us the truth, lies to us. The media is guilty of this over and over.... and here is a great example. I was forwarded this mail by a very good friend of mine, so the story is valid. Spread the word, as this dog will die and the way the story is told, countless children are being placed in eminent danger.
I'll start out by clarifying a few things, one, for those who do not know, I have a strong background in the martial arts, two, I have a very strong background in dealing with aggressive dogs. This makes me uniquely qualified to speak on this topic.
The fairy tale the news is telling goes something like this:
A 12 year old girl takes her dachshund for a walk and the dog is attacked by a "killer pitbull." (the most hated dog in the world). In walks the hero, a 9 year old jujitsu expert (who has been training for 2 months). He grabs the "killer pitbull" and puts him in a rear choke hold for 20 minutes until animal control arrives. The girl gets away with few injuries, the dachshund is saved and the PitBull must die. The end.
You can search the story on youtube and see a short interview with the kid. I taught children karate for 10 years. I'm not saying anything against this boy, he seems like a good kid, but the media is sensationalizing a story that puts many children at risk who will try to duplicate this "feat." There is no doubt in my mind that this story could cost an innocent child their life. THIS IS IMPORTANT...
Here are the problems with the story:
1. The idiot news reporters are placing countless youths in fatal danger by telling this story and flashing the picture of the great blue pitbull, when in fact it was the small puppy on the right that was the actual dog. If a boy the size of this boy were to even attempt to put the dog on the left into a choke hold, the boy would have been seriously injured or killed. However, this is what will happen, as other kids will want to be heroes.
2. Lying on your back and putting a dog in a rear choke hold is a great way for anyone, of any size to get seriously injured. Handling a dog is something that should only be attempted by professionals, never children
3. The news loves stories about pitbull attacks, just like they like the story better when the criminal is black. It is prejudice. Most pit bull attacks are pit bull mixes and no one every speaks of the other part of the mix. If it was a pit bull / poodle mix, we don't hear that a "Poodle Mix" attacked someone.... do we? Just like if the criminal was 1/2 black, he is "Black." This is wrong.
The incompetent, or perhaps over-indulging reporters at Channel 29 in Bakersfield MUST retract their story and publish the truth. Show a picture of the dog in question, that is the puppy. And someone should step up and save this dog.
Contact Davin McHenry
Phone: 661-395-7374
And ask him for truth in news casting. This is absurd.
Furthermore, contact rescue@co.kern.ca.us , HardinN@co.kern.ca.us , ShawG@co.kern.ca.us
and step up for this dog, the id# is A749441. This dog will DIE ON TUESDAY. The animal control department has their hands tied. Step up for this dog. Dogs have prey drive, yes, the bite other dogs. If a human puts their hands in the middle, they will get bit. I feel sad for the girl who got bit, but not bad enough to murder a dog. Kern County CA has major problems with loose dogs, people dumping dogs. Parent should NEVER, no matter where, allow children to take their dogs for walks if they know there could be other dogs loose.
Look at the picture of the dog above.. the dog on the right. The one on the left is a fairy tale.
Tell your children NEVER to break up a dog fight, even with a small Chihuahua, let along a large breed dog.
Protect your children.
Demand truth in media...
Save the puppy in Bakersfield... It will only take one person to do the right thing.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
1000 Days in a Cage
I'm not talking here about a criminal who deserves it, this is the story of a group of dogs that got the bum rap of hooking up with an idiot human... a person we call a hoarder. This "person" had over 200 dogs living in bad conditions... obviously gone mad and "collecting" dogs. Through no fault of their own, our judicial system has confined them to various animal shelters. One step above the needle, these beautiful animals were, and are still, confined to living in a cement and steel kennel. They are deprived of human or other canine companionship. They've been there for three years as our judicial system moves all so swiftly.
Helen of the Wuffington Wag is spearheading this campaign to get foster homes, temporary or permanent for these very special dogs. These dogs are a part of a dark history in animal cruelty, however they will shine a light onto your life. Imagine taking an animal to you that has not known love for almost 3 years.
Helen of the Wuffington Wag is spearheading this campaign to get foster homes, temporary or permanent for these very special dogs. These dogs are a part of a dark history in animal cruelty, however they will shine a light onto your life. Imagine taking an animal to you that has not known love for almost 3 years.
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