Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Kelly S. Saves one .... because she could save ONE...

It has been my goal with Bound Angels to inspire people to step up to the plate and "Join the Revolution." Well, I'd like to share a great story with you here from an Angel name Kelly.

here's the email Kelly received:
I volunteer with my local impound, we have a "senior" female, who is hard of hearing and has some ear infection issues. She is in need of rescue, she is TERRIFIED in the shelter. She does warm up after you get her out. Very quiet girl. She is located in Sioux City, IA Animal Control center
Here's what I received from Kelly:
Hi Robert,
I am so Inspired by what you do. I saw what Kathy & Dawn from Merlin's Hope and you did for Jasmine. I got to meet her in Maine. I wanted to take her, we have 3 PEI and Newman is in the wheelchair. Jasmine is going to her forever home soon in Vermont, its just incredible! Anyway I saw this girl and she looked like my First dog I got from Animal Rescue. I lost 3 years ago and I could let this one go, same eyes staring back at me pleading get me out... I had no idea what to do I am in Massachusetts and she was is in Iowa. I called and emailed every rescue I knew. I have been on the phone for a week. A nice lady got her out got her to a vet where I offered to pay her board until we could get her into a rescue. My prayers were answered Tues and WE LOVE PAWS shar -pei rescue called me! They are going to help her get a forever home and I am covering her expenses. They have arranged and 8 person Transport. So She will be at the vets in Iowa a week more I just send them a box of things for her. She is not as old as they thought and is a sweet girl like Jasmine. I couldn't be happier. I wish everyone would help just one dog. My Husband has always said Kell you can't save them all. This time I said I can save this one :-)

Sheila MD part-time Lab rescue Volunteer Pulled her from Sioux city "she saved her life" She then Contacted Deanna who has arranged all the transport with Deb At "we love paws shar-pei rescue" Chicago. Doc and Barb at the Rock Rapids veterinary clinic in Iowa have been taking spacial care of her and they do right by rescue. All these people Deserve so much credit.

I am so inspired by everything you do you are just an incredible person.

Bless you,

I play the lottery every week, and although I've never one anyting on it, I have won the lottery in receiving this email from Kelly... I AM INSPIRED BY WHAT YOU DID!!!

Thanks for sharing....

Best to you!


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