Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Dangerous News Story for All

There are few things that get under my skin as much as when someone we expect to tell us the truth, lies to us. The media is guilty of this over and over.... and here is a great example. I was forwarded this mail by a very good friend of mine, so the story is valid. Spread the word, as this dog will die and the way the story is told, countless children are being placed in eminent danger.

I'll start out by clarifying a few things, one, for those who do not know, I have a strong background in the martial arts, two, I have a very strong background in dealing with aggressive dogs. This makes me uniquely qualified to speak on this topic.

The fairy tale the news is telling goes something like this:
A 12 year old girl takes her dachshund for a walk and the dog is attacked by a "killer pitbull." (the most hated dog in the world). In walks the hero, a 9 year old jujitsu expert (who has been training for 2 months). He grabs the "killer pitbull" and puts him in a rear choke hold for 20 minutes until animal control arrives. The girl gets away with few injuries, the dachshund is saved and the PitBull must die. The end.

You can search the story on youtube and see a short interview with the kid. I taught children karate for 10 years. I'm not saying anything against this boy, he seems like a good kid, but the media is sensationalizing a story that puts many children at risk who will try to duplicate this "feat." There is no doubt in my mind that this story could cost an innocent child their life. THIS IS IMPORTANT...

Here are the problems with the story:
1. The idiot news reporters are placing countless youths in fatal danger by telling this story and flashing the picture of the great blue pitbull, when in fact it was the small puppy on the right that was the actual dog. If a boy the size of this boy were to even attempt to put the dog on the left into a choke hold, the boy would have been seriously injured or killed. However, this is what will happen, as other kids will want to be heroes.
2. Lying on your back and putting a dog in a rear choke hold is a great way for anyone, of any size to get seriously injured. Handling a dog is something that should only be attempted by professionals, never children
3. The news loves stories about pitbull attacks, just like they like the story better when the criminal is black. It is prejudice. Most pit bull attacks are pit bull mixes and no one every speaks of the other part of the mix. If it was a pit bull / poodle mix, we don't hear that a "Poodle Mix" attacked someone.... do we? Just like if the criminal was 1/2 black, he is "Black." This is wrong.

The incompetent, or perhaps over-indulging reporters at Channel 29 in Bakersfield MUST retract their story and publish the truth. Show a picture of the dog in question, that is the puppy. And someone should step up and save this dog.

Contact Davin McHenry
Phone: 661-395-7374

And ask him for truth in news casting. This is absurd.

Furthermore, contact , ,
and step up for this dog, the id# is A749441. This dog will DIE ON TUESDAY. The animal control department has their hands tied. Step up for this dog. Dogs have prey drive, yes, the bite other dogs. If a human puts their hands in the middle, they will get bit. I feel sad for the girl who got bit, but not bad enough to murder a dog. Kern County CA has major problems with loose dogs, people dumping dogs. Parent should NEVER, no matter where, allow children to take their dogs for walks if they know there could be other dogs loose.

Look at the picture of the dog above.. the dog on the right. The one on the left is a fairy tale.
Tell your children NEVER to break up a dog fight, even with a small Chihuahua, let along a large breed dog.
Protect your children.
Demand truth in media...

Save the puppy in Bakersfield... It will only take one person to do the right thing.

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