Friday, October 31, 2008

a Message Fur the Chinese


People love to save a buck or two and are often not aware as to what or how they are saving. Several years ago we learned that the inexpensive clothing that we buy is produced by child labor, or as it should be called: child slavery. For a long time the controversy has been going around about the inexpensive fur and where it comes from.

Most often these pieces of fur in gloves, trim for jackets, etc are produced in China. The Chinese, a forward thinking compassionate nation seems to think its ok to kill and skin dogs and cats and use them for fur. This is the same nation that eats exotic animals in an effort to produce more vigor and sexual stamina in men. A nation dotted with spiritual leaders, Buddhism, Taoism, and many other ways of higher consciousness is at the bottom when it comes to compassion for animals.

Watch the trailer :
See for yourself what a wonderful life these animals lead. See where the fur you are buying comes from. Ask yourself when you slip on that fuzzy pair of gloves if it feels as soft as the fur of your best friend. Then ask yourself if there is something you can do about it. More importantly, must you wear fur? There are currently so manyn faux fur products that look totally real, that look totally cool and that are totally compassionate. If you had to slaghter the animal and look into its eyes as it was dying and you had to rip the flesh off of its lifeless body, could you do it.

Could you? Ask yourself. There is something you can do about it. Boycott any and all fur products.


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